
Keepin’ it short again

Not sure this isn’t the ugliest digital page I’ve ever done but I was working with what I had on hand. Unfortunately I think it should have looked in another hand… 

New technique = templates. Cooler than I thought they’d be.


No thoughts left

I am out of words but I do have a new digital page to post. It includes my most, and Wayne’s least, favorite picture from our vacation. Sorry honey…

And that’s all.


Returned – weary, but not too

Overall, the summer vacation went well.

In Seattle the weather was perplexing and diverse. 87˚ on Saturday, rain on Monday.
Somewhere in between, in between.

Cam’s apartment is lovely and we made it a bit lovelier while we were there. We also wore him out with our shopping and snappy discourses (or our general noise level. Whichever…)

We saw Shrek the Musical. The show was fun but suffered a bit from being the 4th ever performance – this led to some lively discourse (which is apparently much easier to take than the snappy type) during our post-show repast.

The refrigerator apologizes The thing I always forget when we aren’t together is how much fun we have as a family – our humor is clearly warped in the same direction.

San Diego was tourist heaven.

The San Diego Zoo has more hills than I remembered (from 30 years ago) so the cankles were a little fatigued by the evening.

Inexplicably, there is a constant line to see the pandas… Did I miss something? Are pandas that unique? Haven’t I seen them somewhere before? Unfortunately, because of the line, people are expected to just keep moving and I missed my 3 second window of photo time since the baby panda wasn’t cooperating at the exact moment we passed by. Minor peevishness ensued.

The next morning we discovered that SeaWorld was built on flat land. This made us all very happy.

And agreeable. As a matter of fact, I even agreed to sit in the third row at the Shamu show with Hillary. And soon we were very, very wet.

Wayne communed with the manatees (he is embarrassed by this picture as much as I love it.)

Post tourist attractions, we had dinner at Tess’s other family’s which was lovely but we didn’t take any pictures at all.

And after all that, we flew home and it was good.


One more before we go

This one’s more my creation. Do I love it? Maybe not, but it’ll do for the moment.

Gotta get some sleep so I can pack early tomorrow. Off to Seattle then to San Diego. The hottest weather is expected in Seattle???? Whatever…


Doesn’t she have pictures of her other children?

Apparently, I am trying to make up for Hillary’s lack of baby pictures by taking pictures only of her now. It might also have to do with proximity, I suppose

Anyway, here’s this week’s digital page. After I post this it’s time for chocolate and bed. [happy sigh]


Beating dead horses?

Well, maybe not. Maybe just marginally ill horses.

Here I am trying digital scrapbooking again. Different focus, more the style I like, but still extra simplified. I just don’t know if I’ll ever get past the part where I let someone tell me how to fill in the blanks and move on to putting together what I design. 

Maybe never, but this page looks pretty, huh? I can paint-by-number. Thank you Jessica Sprague! (really.)



I can update this blog from my iPhone! Isn’t that exciting!

Like I ever update it from anywhere..

Actually, I was surprised to discover that I had posted something in 2008. I admit it was in January and it’s now August, but it IS the same year after all.


In which I make dinner

Beyond belief, I made dinner tonight. You can see from my Day 4 picture that it was truly an epicurean delight.



3 days/3 photos…

Am I on a roll or what!?!?

I think it’s or what.

I’m already forgetting to take pictures every day when I’m out and about and doing interesting things. Then I get home really tired and crabby and suddenly i have to rush around trying to find something to photograph. I never said the pictures would be inspirational or anything, right?

Anyway, I kinda like day 2 photographically speaking

Day 2 of 365

and how can you not like chocolate chip cookies, yes?

Day 3 of 365

focus is obviously something I need to work on, sigh… 

(the cookies sure were yummy though)


Blaagh, blaagh, blaagh

Hey! Happy New Year!

It’s been an odd day, efficient errand running mixed with sleeping in, total wasting of time and sadly putting our 16 year old kitty Wolf to sleep. He was one of those animals you take for granted a bit cause he was always so good-natured. He’d been getting obviously old over the last year or so, losing his hearing (and meowing VERY loudly), living by the water bowl and sitting staring at nothing or communing with the heater, but it was all kind of endearing (except for maybe the meowing in the middle of the night) We’ll miss his quirks.

After much dithering, I’m starting a project to take a photo each day of the year with my iPhone and just see what I come up with. I came across a version of this idea on Photojojo after finding a link on Ali Edwards blog. She always has cool ideas and actually follows through on them, unlike me who follows other’s ideas and cools on them rather quickly. But, ever the optimist, I’m trying again – ya never know, I might do it this time. Here then, is photo 1 of 365…

Day 1 of 365 


May 2024